Keep the entire family in the loop.
Communication after a divorce or separation involves more than just co-parents. Life is complicated, and parents often rely on the help of partners, grandparents, extended family members, and other child caretakers to keep everything running smoothly. OurFamilyWizard offers different accounts for different roles so your entire team stays on the same page.

Parent Accounts
Parent accounts have equal access to create and edit entries using all of the tools available on OurFamilyWizard. Parents will each have their own account, and through that account, a parent can add as many third-party, child, and professional accounts as needed at no extra cost.

Third Party Accounts
Third party accounts are perfect for bonus parents, grandparents, and extended family members. With the ability to send and receive their own messages, view and create journals, and check the family calendar, they'll never miss an important update or detail. Third party accounts are entirely free and can be added and removed by either parent.

Child Accounts
Child accounts have just the right amount of access to keep your children informed without placing them in the middle of grown-up concerns. Children can view the family calendar, share memories with the OurFamilyWizard Journal, and exchange messages with other family members. They'll only have access to the basic information they need without seeing the conversations going on directly between parents.

Practitioner Accounts
Keep the practitioners you trust in the loop of your family's activity at no additional cost. Lawyers, family dispute resolution practitioners, family therapists, and other legal and mental health practitioners use OurFamilyWizard® Professional Access to oversee communication and work directly with families.

Never worry about your information falling into the wrong hands.
Communication at your fingertips, always available with an internet connection.
Powerful tools in an easy-to-use package.