2019-07-01T09:04:39-0500 2024-02-26T14:20:25-0600 True Divorce communication tools are possibly the most effective methods of co-parenting communication to use during a divorce or custody case. Divorce communication tools are possibly the most effective methods of co-parenting communication to use during a divorce or custody case. /sites/default/files/media/image/2019-07/Blog-DivorceCommunicationTools.jpg Co-Parenting Communication
Published: Jul 1, 2019
Updated: Feb 26, 2024

Divorce Communication Tools

Woman smiles as she looks at her phone.

Divorce can be a challenging time for all parties involved. It is often extremely draining, both physically and emotionally. These effects can be even more intense if you and your former spouse or partner have children together.

Divorce can take a significant toll on children, especially if they are at a younger age. An event like divorce has the potential to cause psychological damage for the rest of their lives. However, parents can significantly reduce the risk of doing this kind of harm by taking steps to uphold their children's best interests and work together to co-parent peacefully.

To keep this threat on their children to a minimum, many parents turn to tools specifically built to help divorced or separated parents attain peaceful co-parenting. Divorce communication tools can be very useful in improving communication and reducing conflict between parents. 

Divorce communication tools are setting the standard for how co-parents interact

Divorce communication tools are setting new standards for how divorced parents are communicating with each other, especially those who are in high conflict relationships. They can prove to be especially helpful if how the parents used to communicate—face-to-face, email, texting—aren't working as well anymore due to conflict.

A major priority of divorcing couples should be to quickly take care of the situation so that they can move on with their new separate lives. Anything that will reduce the amount of physical and verbal communication between co-parents can significantly improve your situation by decreasing the chance of conflict arising between the two of you. This is where divorce communication tools can play a massive role in promoting peaceful interactions and reducing friction between co-parents.

In truth, the real benefit of using tools to improve your communication goes to your children. The reason why children are often at risk as a result of divorce is that, in many cases, they are continually exposed to unnecessary conflict between their parents. The word "unnecessary" is often used to describe this issue because many of the conflicts that come up between parents can be easily avoided if they are using specialised tools to facilitate communication and requests. 

Types of divorce communication tools

Divorce communications tools can consist of something as simple as a notebook being passed back and forth between you and your co-parent as you exchange custody of your children. This notebook could keep you both up-to-date with necessary information regarding your children and anything else that you might think is appropriate to share with your co-parent.

While notebooks have worked for some families over the years, the internet has created a new home for practical and effective divorce communication tools. Instead of continuing to use the same methods of communication, moving interactions into tools designed explicitly for divorced or separated parents can help keep agreements and other important family information organised and easily accessible. 

Divorce communication tools on OurFamilyWizard

OurFamilyWizard has been providing divorced spouses with easy-to-use and effective divorce communication tools for years. Tools such as shared parenting time calendars, expense and payment registers, family information and file storage, and secure messaging are all included within the OurFamilyWizard toolset. 

The difference between these tools and your standard email or online shared calendar is that they are all safe and secure from hacking or tampering. This means that you will have no fear of your co-parent tampering with a calendar or message to make it look like they are in the right and you are in the wrong. This is often a problem with unsecured divorce communication methods, especially when a conflict must be taken to court.

OurFamilyWizard is dedicated to providing co-parents with the tools and resources that they need to make shared parenting better for themselves and their children. For more information on how OurFamilyWizard can provide you with the most effective and easy-to-use divorce communication tools, see our OurFamilyWizard overview for families.



NOTE: Many state and federal laws use terms like ‘custody’ when referring to arrangements regarding parenting time and decision-making for a child. While this has been the case for many years, these are not the only terms currently used to refer to these topics.

Today, many family law practitioners and even laws within certain states use terms such as ‘parenting arrangements’ or ‘parenting responsibility,’ among others, when referring to matters surrounding legal and physical child custody. You will find these terms as well as custody used on the OurFamilyWizard website.