2018-02-05T08:21:51-0600 2023-07-27T12:54:45-0500 True National Donut Day? Count us in! If you’re looking for ways to create new traditions with your children, consider these 5 unique ‘holidays’ to get you started. National Donut Day? Count us in! If you’re looking for ways to create new traditions with your children, consider these 5 unique ‘holidays’ to get you started. /sites/default/files/NewTraditions.png Children and Divorce, Holidays and Travel
Published: Feb 5, 2018
Updated: Jul 27, 2023

Create New Traditions With These 5 Awesome 'Holidays'

New traditions give families a chance for some much needed bonding time.Holidays can cause some of the biggest disagreements between co-parents after a divorce. Emotions can run high during special events, so it’s no wonder that navigating holidays from two houses can ignite conflict. But even though traditional holidays may be fraught for co-parents, traditions, in general, can still be a source of joy for two-household families.

The Importance of New Traditions

Families acclimate to co-parenting at their own speeds, but establishing new routines and traditions can be a great way to ease that transition. Major holidays may no longer be celebrated in old and familiar ways, so laying a positive groundwork with new traditions that your children can eagerly anticipate—and that are not colored by any memories of celebrations pre-divorce—will help them add new and happy chapters to your family’s story.

Uncommon holidays and new traditions have the added benefit of not being split between houses. Co-parents can create their own unique traditions with their children without any additional tension caused by sharing celebrations. These uncommon holidays can also be easily tailored to your child’s own interests, ensuring a place in their most precious childhood memories.

When it comes to new holidays for your family to celebrate, the choices are limitless, so here are 5 of our favorite uncommon “holidays” to get your brainstorming started.

Pluto’s Discovery

Space exploration and the solar system is one of the perennial obsessions of childhood, encouraged by many wonderful science teachers. Why not foster the STEM inclinations of your child by celebrating the discovery (and eventual demotion) of Pluto? Take a trip to your local science museum, snack on these awesome galaxy lollipops, and marvel at the advancements in space exploration since Pluto’s discovery on February 18th, 1930. As a bonus, your family has two full years to ramp up to the 90th anniversary of this historic event.

Tell A Story Day

We love the opportunities made possible by ‘Tell A Story Day.’ Celebrated annually on April 27th, parents and children can spend quality time sharing their favorite tales and memories. You can read a book, devour a comic, or simply regale your children with legends about growing up without cell phones (ones they haven’t heard already, mind you). If your children are a little older, you can even take this day as an opportunity to have everyone share a story of their own creation.

National Donut Day

This list wouldn’t be complete without at least one holiday focused entirely on food and we couldn’t think of a better food to focus on than donuts. Sweet, savory, cake donuts, old-fashioned donuts, and above all donuts covered in sprinkles, you will have a nearly endless variety available for celebrating this June 1st holiday. But if donuts just aren’t for you, pick from one of the many other food-centered holidays or simply create one of your own! If your kid loves cooking or baking, a holiday where they get to make exciting and delicious morsels with their mom or dad will certainly be a hit.

Perseid Meteor Showers

This is a fantastic tradition for families that enjoy the outdoors. Whether you make the trek to the perfect campground or take in the view from your backyard, be sure to cross your fingers for clear skies. If you have an amateur photographer in the family, meteor showers offer a great opportunity to attempt new and rewarding shots. The American Meteor Society has a great how-to on taking the best photos of meteors. In 2018, the Perseid meteor shower will be visible from August 9th through the 13th.  

National Game and Puzzle Week

This weeklong celebration coincides with one of the busiest times in the United States: Thanksgiving. Adding yet another tradition to the hectic winter holidays may not be a good option for co-parenting families, but that’s easily solved by changing the date to suit your family’s schedule! Because playing games offers such a great opportunity to relax and enjoy each other’s company, consider regularly scheduling game night as part of your normal routine.  Here is a fantastic list of unique games to play with children, with a range of options for preschoolers to preteens.

If none of these options mesh with your children’s interests, you are just a quick search away from finding the holiday that clicks with their passions. Since no one knows your kids better than you do, you also have the option of making an entirely new tradition of your own. No matter what you decide to do, building traditions with your children will play an important role in creating treasured memories after a divorce or separation.